Rio Negro Confluence at Manaus
Martin swam through the largest confluence of two rivers in the world today. The clear black waters of the Rio Negro join the muddy waters of the Amazon at Manaus, and the two rivers run side by side for nearly 200 km before mixing completely.
As he approached the confluence, Martin’s escort boat was bombarded by other media boats, and some of his navigators had to get a little aggressive in order to protect the swimmer from all of the other vessels crisscrossing in front of him, trying to get the perfect shot of the swimmer.

Adding to the pandemonium were seven Brazilian champions who decided to race Martin for the last five km of the day. They were all competitive swimmers who’d proven themselves victorious in everything from the Pan American Games to Iron Man Triathlons. Hardly fair considering they were all fresh and Martin was just finishing his 39th kilometer of the day. The swimmers were strong, but swimming in an Olympic pool is much different than swimming the Amazon River. Martin was the first to touch a huge media barge that was waiting with journalists from all over the world to receive the swimmer.

The mayor of Manaus, Serafim Corrêa, gave Martin a warm welcome and congratulated him.

.>>Matthew Mohlke, photo: Corrado Filipponi

More about the Amazon Swim 2007

Wednesday, 12. February 2025
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