Big River Man in Slovenia
Feature-length documentary Big River Man is premiering in Slovenia at the 20th Ljubljana International film festival.
Screening times:

- Nov 12, 2009 - 19:30
- Nov 15, 2009 - 17:00
- Nov 18, 2009 - 17:00

More information about the festival and ticket purchase can be found at

Big river man is an award winning documentary (Best Cinematography at Sundance 2009) about an extreme and eccentric Slovenian endurance swimmer Martin Strel who swims world´s greatest rivers to raise awarness about clean waters and pollution.

In 2007 he attempted to swim the Amazon to shatter his own world record with what can only be described as the longest, most dangerous swim in history. Strel paddles through malevolent gangs, isolated tribes, crocodiles, toxic waste, lethal whirlpools and toothy piranhas during an historic 5,268 kms swim down the Amazon. After 66 day battle with river and himself Martin reaches the finish line!
Strel´s expedition is led by Borut Strel, his son and manager. Their strained working relationship becomes very tough and it makes the film much more than just a swimming journey !

Environmental campaigner, world-class athlete and adventurer who likes to drink bottles of red wine, Martin Strel makes Big River Man a journey not to be missed!

FIlm is awaiting Discovery Channel (Planet Green) release in North America on Jan 09, 2010. Watch out!


Event sponsored by Strel Swimming Adventures.

Saturday, 15. February 2025
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