Watch Big River Man on Planet Green (Discovery)
Martin Strel´s documentary is airing on TV Channel Planet Green (Discovery)-North America. Premiere date: Saturday, Jan 09 at 10pm ET.
Following times:
1/10 at 6am, 2pm,
1/14 at 11pm
1/15 at 7am, 3pm
2/27 at 10pm,
2/28 at 6am, 2pm
3/4 at 11pm,
3/5 at 7am, 3pm

Planet Green website

Martin Strel attented New York´s annual Polar Bear swim on Jan 01 to promote his upcoming documentary on Planet Green. Do not miss it!

About Planet Greent

Planet Green is the first and only 24-hour eco-lifestyle television network with a robust online presence and community. Launched in June 2008, our on-air content reaches 50 million homes, offering more than 250 hours of original green lifestyle programming. Both online and on-air, Planet Green´s content is entertaining, relevant, and accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. By representing a broad range of ideas and perspectives, Planet Green is taking an active role in generating conversation and motivating individuals to take action when it comes to improving the environmental status of our planet.

Monday, 17. February 2025
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