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Monday, 22. January 2007, 01:49 | Fred To, Hong Kong
Dear Mr Martin Strel, My name is Fred To from Hong Kong. I’m the chief editor of an adventure magazine which will be published in Hong Kong and distributed in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Some weeks ago I’ve read a news coverage on your incredible swimming in Yangtze River in China and I know you are going to start a more challenging swimming project in Amazon River . I think the swimming experience in Yangtze itself could be a great story that Hong Kong people would love to know. So on behalf of our magazine, I would like to know if it’s possible or not that you can write an article and provide pix on the said event , or if you’re too busy you can just provide us more info, including pix so that we can rewrite the topic. We’ll follow up the translation job for you. We are looking forward to your good news Thanks for your kind attention! Regards Fred To X Life Magazine Mobile: 852-93861960 Phone: 852-82090308 Email: xlifemagazine@gmail.com hkxgames@gmail.com
Monday, 22. January 2007, 06:23 | mike, u.s.a.
Good luck. Just wondering if some sort of cage that is boat-towed for you swim inside of would be useful for keeping unwanted visitors out of your space...much like Dianna Niad used to.
Monday, 22. January 2007, 12:40 | Muniyappan Raja, Tamil Nadu, India
Anbu Mattin, Thangal pudhiya thittam vettri pera en iniya vazhthukkal. Anbudan, Raja
Monday, 22. January 2007, 15:47 | Glenda, USA
I am fascinated by your determination. While your swim by itself will not bring about world peace, it absolutely serves as a worldwide inspiration that preparation and determination can make seemingly unattainable things happen. Godspeed to you and your team for safety and success in achieving your goals.
Wednesday, 24. January 2007, 14:56 | Bill Blackburn, USA
Have a great swim!! There are still adventures out there..
Wednesday, 24. January 2007, 22:26 | H. L. Tucker, usa
I am serious about volunteering in the venture. I just read about it in the newspaper. I am a 60 year old chemist with explorer lifeguard experience. I would like to aid as a photographer, free-verse poet, and general "golpher" and helper in any way that I can. I am very active in several sports and in reasonable and better than normal health for my age. I have over 30 years experience as a published analytical chemist within several inorganic and nuclear chemistry disciplines, especially ion chromatography. Please respond immediately. I can join at any time. I am particulary interested in Dr. Stanonik´s neurological research as my 87 year old mother has Alzheimer´s disease. Thanks, Homer Tucker
Friday, 26. January 2007, 02:40 | Janet LaWall, USA
Mr Strel, How proud I am of your accomplishments and you mild manner and wishes for world peace. You are truly blessed by God and have been given a special mission here on earth. God be with you on your Amazon swim and may you stay safe throughout it. Continued success on your endevor towards world peace and brotherhood. Most sincerely, Janet LaWall Puyallup, Washington USA
Friday, 26. January 2007, 17:10 | Diane Gross, USA
I am a Kindergarten teacher in Sacramento, California. The kids in my class are quite excited about the upcoming swim. They are wishing you all the best. Specifically, they would like you to steer clear of any pirahna. One of the little girls in the class would like to know if you are 98 years old. I let her know that I thought you probably were not :-) Best of luck...we will be watching your progress.
Sunday, 28. January 2007, 11:00 | Duncan Williams, Ghana
Its a real pleasure to come across a modern day adventurer. Someone who is prepared to redefine what is physically and mentally possible. Martin, your a rare and dying breed. All the very best for the biggest challenge to your life.
Sunday, 28. January 2007, 18:54 | Arie;, USA
WOOOOHOOOOO!!!! you go, man! I thick it is so awesome of you to do this! you have been doing a great job so far! Good luck on this project. Have Fun...Much Love
Wednesday, 31. January 2007, 03:10 | Katherine, USA
I must say that you are one of my heroes! Your message and your determination are so commendable. I have the utmost respect for you and all that you´re doing and the reasons you´re doing it for. I will be following your journey and will have you in my thoughts and prayers until the day you finish!
Wednesday, 31. January 2007, 16:49 | Jo & John Pouchnik, USA
Martin, it´s less than a day before you begin your journey. We want to wish you and the entire team the best of luck in this great endeavor. You will be in our thoughts and prayers daily. Hello to Matt and Borut. We enjoy reading Matt´s journal entries.
Wednesday, 31. January 2007, 17:29 | Johan, Netherlands
Wishing you good luck and safe arrival.
Thursday, 01. February 2007, 13:54 | EC, italy
Buona fortuna e buon viaggio! all the best from Trieste EC
Thursday, 01. February 2007, 14:30 | Adrian, Great Britain
Hi Martin, best of luck with the swim mate. What a fantastic achievement it will be!! Take care.
Thursday, 01. February 2007, 17:17 | Salah Adile, USA
Wish you all the luck. I am Moroccan that resides in the United States for over 27 years. That is what people are all about " Live and let live ". What a human you are !!! Good luck and hope all will be alright for you.
Thursday, 01. February 2007, 18:27 | Tim, UK
Dont you just drift down the river in 70 days? How much swimming is really involved?
Friday, 02. February 2007, 03:44 | Lisa, USA
You absolutely inspire and amaze me. I pray that you and your team have a safe journey. You have renewed my spirit and optimism in humankind and what we can accomplish with such bold courage.
Friday, 02. February 2007, 15:19 | Gareth Jones, UK
Seriously, success would be the ultimate success. Tim above, just have a little thought about your comment. You should try it with him, sure you´d do well. quick, you could be in Peru in 11 hours.
Friday, 02. February 2007, 19:40 | Teuvo, Finland
You´ll have a hard job to do, so I´m fighting with you to achieve your dream! Good luck!!!
Friday, 02. February 2007, 19:54 | Jay Miah, UK
I think you are both crazy and an inspiration to many people. All the best Martin!
Saturday, 03. February 2007, 09:17 | RachelJG, USA
You have only just begun journey and you have already brought great awareness to the preservation of the rainforest, Alzheimer´s disease and many other neurodegenerative disorders that you had hoped to bring into the limelight. As if doing all of that wasn´t enough you then are bring great attention to the wonderful benefits of telemedicine. Wishing everyone a smooth and safe journey!
Saturday, 03. February 2007, 13:59 | andy weller, england
good luck mate, il be watching now and again to see how your doing best of luck
Saturday, 03. February 2007, 23:15 | Bonnie, USA
Keep on Swimmin´ Rivers! The world needs your inspiration! SAVE THE RAINFORESTS, SAVE THE WORLD! YOU ROCK!
Sunday, 04. February 2007, 18:22 | SIVARAJ, INDIA
Sunday, 04. February 2007, 19:20 | Jean-Philippe, FRANCE
Go Martin! We all are in thought at your sides in this adventure: make us dreaming an take care.
Monday, 05. February 2007, 01:32 | Erwin Hübsch Neto, BRAZIL
We hope you have a safety trip though Amazon River. I live in São Paulo, about 4,000 km south from Amazon region and I hope to know this beautiful region some day. Martin, your trip will help to preserve this fantastic river and forest.
Monday, 05. February 2007, 05:21 | Simon, China
Hi, i am an English major here in China and i really appreciate your determination and your passion for "mission impossible". I am watching the whole swimmig process and I hope you can and I am sure you will reach the destination.
Monday, 05. February 2007, 18:53 | Tom, Norway
I am deeply impressed with what you do. God bless you. I think you are going to achieve your goal! Good luck!
Saturday, 10. February 2007, 09:08 | nancy tassin, usa
there´s no point from me to say good luck!!!, everyone else would do it for me. Im so nervous, I hope everything its ok by now, I havent heard anything else on the news about this matter, all I can say is that I will keep you in my prayers, love ya and show the world that we can still go on no matter what !
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