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Friday, 26. May 2006, 02:46 | Webmaster, Slovenia
We are proudly presenting Martin Strel's new webstite. Hopefully you like it. Best regards.
Friday, 16. June 2006, 19:35 | John and Jo Pouchnik, USA
Martin: Have a good swim on the Drava. We really like your new website. We will see you in Minnesota in July. Take care.
Thursday, 06. July 2006, 18:13 | raquel amorim, brazil
hola carino i just wanted to wish you luck and the best adventures as you find in amazon... say hello to the piranhas, anacondas and crocodiles for me.. hehehe kisses and take care
Thursday, 27. July 2006, 11:59 | SamantA, USA
Hello! I wish to thank authors for this site, it was pleasant to me! I hope that the project will develop only. With the best regards, Samanta.
Thursday, 03. August 2006, 02:26 | Marko Norkroos, Estonia
Hello Martin How are you doing. I think what you do is important,martin imagine all the things you have done alreaddy and the things I will do in the future. That must give power and determination All the best and good luck
Saturday, 19. August 2006, 19:13 | david, USA/China
and keep on swimming!!!
Friday, 13. October 2006, 18:04 | Stephen, Ireland
Your a inspiration sir.
Friday, 03. November 2006, 16:31 | Mauro, Italy
Straordinario, spero un giorno, di poterti stringere la mano!!
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 05:14 | jeff evely, canada
very inspiring. very satisfying to know that there are people like you in this world. we need more positive influences like martin in our lifetime. good luck and godspeed!
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 17:57 | Antonio, Canada
wishing u the best of luck...god bless
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 18:03 | Sally Johnson, USA
Martin, I greatly admire all you have accomplished. I share your causes and applaud your courage and conviction. Please be safe. I will keep you in my prayers. Sally Johnson
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 18:11 | Bret Newton, USA
Just thought I would wish you good luck and congrats on breaking my grandfathers record swim of the Mississippi!
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 18:13 | Brion, USA
Martin, I admire your courage and conviction. Good luck with the Amazon swim and be safe.
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 18:20 | Patricia, USA
I will make sure to pray for your safe passage during your swim and watch for updates as they are posted. Good Luck, be safe, strong, and most important in Blessed Hands.
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 18:37 | Heather Burns-DeMelo, USA
Dear Mr. Strel, I came across your story in an article on the newspaper and felt drawn to write to you. With seemingly so few people standing up for social and environmental justice, your act of courage and peaceful demonstration is as refreshing as acts of Ghandi and Martin Luther King. As a mother of two young children who I hope will grow up to promote world peace and environmental justice, I thank you for being a hero and role model to them. Peace be with you on your journey, Heather Burns-DeMelo Woodbury, CT USA
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 18:48 | Gabe, USA
good luck on the amazon swim and stay safe!! You are the man! and you have guts!
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 18:56 | Charyle, USA
Thank you for sharing your passion! You are inspiring! Prayin´ for your safety. Hope you have one heck of a great time!!!!!!
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 19:01 | michele, usa
Martin I admire your determination and your social awareness. There aren´t enough people like you in the world, what a rare gem you are. I came across the story about you on Yahoo and it actually brought me to tears. Thank you for what you are doing for our environment as well as your wishes for peace. I will be keeping track of your swim on the Amazon, my thought and prayers will be with you.
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 19:29 | Chad Lampkin, USA
Does Martin know Will Steger? Will and I have met at his place in Minnesota and are both born on the same day in the same year. How old is Martin and his birth date? I wish Martin the very best and will hope for his safety. I and many more will be glad he is bringing this topic into the public forum, thank you, Martin...chad lampkin,Michigan Energy Works/Sun Energy,Saranac,Michigan 48881
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 19:33 | Zeineb, Tunisia
I am short of words to describe the amount of my admiration towards your courage and your humble mission. I came across your story on Yahoo, and I am really sorry not having known about you earlier. My next step would be to introduce you to my pupils on Monday. I really appreciate what you are doing for all of us and I hope you all the luck and safety during your ´impossible swim´. I will be watching you for sure..
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 20:31 | Matt Amsden, United States
"For world peace and the environment"? Why not start by not killing a bunch of animal´s and pouring buckets of their blood into the river. It seems to me that not doing this swim would do more for world peace and the environment.
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 20:39 | Glen Seegrist, USA
Dear Martin, God bless you in your noble efforts and all that you stand for. I am amazed at the power your efforts have on all of us. It is incredible what "just one person" can do when they set their mind to it. People also said the 4 minute mile could never be broken but a man with a dream, Roger Bannister while in medical school. You will too!!! Keep your passion and keep your faith, it is incredibly inspiring. Please know that I will be praying for you here in Salt Lake City, Utah. I believe in you. May God bless your incredible efforts. Adieu, Glen Seegrist
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 21:12 | Jay Rothe, USA
It is noble to swim the Amazon in te name of the environment, However introducing foriegn materials such as blood and flesh to distract the natural dangers from attacking you is a little short sighted. I guess your support team will be in row boats and little impact on the envronment for which your little stunt is being done for. I think your little escapade is more about your selfish limelight seeking ego and has little to do with the environment. Why dont you hack down some rain forest while your entourage pollutes one of our last treasures.
Saturday, 20. January 2007, 23:21 | Eric Jacobsen, USA
I think what you are is insane! However, I fully admire your vision... Some "critics" of your vision bring up some amusing thoughts, at best... Matt and Jay (above) are sitting home right now pondering their next spam attempt, to somehow lift their own miserable spirits by bringing down others... Criticizing your techniques, while wolfing down a T-bone steak, then going for a ride in their Gas guzzling SUV to the local bar to get drunk and start fights... Keep swimming and spreading the good word of hope, because for every person that doesnt believe, there are ten that do... Cheers, I believe in you!!
Sunday, 21. January 2007, 00:34 | Jody Sutherland, USA
Martin: I wish you a safe journey and another world record. Those that are critcal of you, should get out of their safe, warm houses and go for a dip while you are swimming the Amazon. God speed.
Sunday, 21. January 2007, 00:52 | Tim Jenkins, USA
Martin, I´m in graduate school to become an elementary school teacher. What an invaluable lesson to share with today´s children! You´re a great example of what humans can do when they put their minds to it. I will be glued to your website to stay abreast of your progress. Best of luck to you and Godspeed.
Sunday, 21. January 2007, 17:08 | Shelley Bueche, USA/Austin, Texas!
Just read about your adventures and wanted to wish you "Good Luck and Godspeed" in your endeavours!
Sunday, 21. January 2007, 18:44 | annlouise, USA
Martin: I could´nt think of a better way to speak up than the way you are... all things are possible with determination and will. I will pray for your safety with each stroke. Also, I have a famous "Life" photo of "The Yangtze". Have your PR people call me to discuss it. www.contessagallery.com you should have it!
Sunday, 21. January 2007, 20:02 | Caroline, USA
My father, Tony Kerzich, was a Slovenian-American who would´ve been extremely proud to hear of a Slovenian promoting world peace and environmental justice by swimming the major rivers of the world. Good luck!!!
Sunday, 21. January 2007, 20:04 | Tiffani, USA
Just wanted to wish you the best and be safe. I wish you luck!!!
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